RevWriter.com and RevWriter Resources, LLC found their origin in the fact that Sue Lang is a Rev. and a writer.
In 1994, Sue began working as a freelance writer and contributed articles to a variety of regional and parenting publications and locally for The Morning Call newspaper.
In 2002, her first book, Our Community: Dealing with Conflict in Our Congregation, was published by Augsburg Fortress.
Since her 1st book, she has authored and contributed to a variety of Augsburg Fortress church leadership materials and curriculum including:
- Pastor and People: Making Mutual Ministry Work, Congregational LEADER Series (Co-authored, 2003)
- Who is my Neighbor: The Stories of Ruth and Jonah, Intersections Small Group Series (Authored, 2003)
- Opening the Book of Faith Leader Guide (Co-authored, 2008)
- John, The Book of Faith series, Learner and Leader Guide (Authored, 2009)
- The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction (Leader Guide) (Co-authored, 2010)
- “Seeking Understanding: Some Issues in Biblical Interpretation Regarding Women and Justice” (Authored, 2015)
- Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans Study Guide (Authored, 2016)
- Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry, and Eucharist Study Guide (Authored, 2017)
- Presiding Bishop Eaton’s Four Emphases Bible Study Leader’s Guide (Co-authored, 2018)
- Presiding Bishop Eaton’s Four Emphases Bible Study Participant’s Guide (Co-authored, 2018)
Anthology Contributions
“Dad’s Will Be Dads,” Essay in Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother’s Soul, © 2000
The Lutheran Handbook: A Field Guide to Church Stuff, Everyday Stuff and the Bible (Augsburg Fortress, 2005)
The Christian Handbook: An Indispensable Guide to All Things Christian (Augsburg Fortress, 2005)
The Lutheran Handbook for Pastors (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
The Christian Handbook for Pastors (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
The Lutheran Handbook on Marriage (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
The Christian Handbook on Marriage (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
Akaloo Guidebook (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
The Lutheran Handbook II (Augsburg Fortress, 2007)
The Abingdon Children’s Sermon Series Volume 2, edited by Brant D. Baker (Abingdon Press: Nashville, 2007)
The Lutheran Course on Marriage Leader Book (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
The Lutheran Course on Marriage Workbook (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
The Lutheran Course on Marriage DVD (Augsburg Fortress, 2006)
Akaloo Handbook, Questions for Life: Luke’s View (Augsburg Fortress, 2007)
Akaloo Handbook, Questions for Life John’s View (Augsburg Fortress, 2007)
Online Writing Contributions
Akaloo faith formation series (Augsburg Fortress, 2006, 2007)
Here We Stand confirmation curriculum (Augsburg Fortress, 2006, 2007)
The Lutheran Magazine:
“Lessons from Children,” The Lutheran, October 1994
“Campus Ministry Approaches Evangelism Boldly,” The Lutheran, February 1996
“Our pastor is leaving? Now what?,” The Lutheran, July 2003
“Navigating the seas of congregational life: positive use of church conflict creates space for growth,” The Lutheran, August 2003
“Spiritual lessons from our cat,” The Lutheran, July 2004
“God’s Surprises,” The Lutheran, Reflection column, February 2014.
“Experiencing the body of Christ,” The Lutheran, Reflection column, May 2014
“Accessing Church with Social Media,” The Lutheran, June 2014
“The Reformation rocks on,” The Lutheran, Reflection column, October 2014
“Preaching in a Digital Age,” The Lutheran, December 2014
“The benediction,” The Lutheran, May 2015
“God calls us,” The Lutheran, September 2015