Making Mutual Ministry Work
In October 2012, Pastor Dick Bruesehoff, of Portico Benefit Services and Pastor Sue Lang, of RevWriter Resources, LLC, two of the co-author s of Pastor and People: Making Mutual Ministry Work (Augsburg Fortress, 2003), will offer two workshops guiding participants through an exploration of mutual ministry.
Mutual ministry is about tending to the relationships out of which mission grows, it’s not primarily about tending to administrative details in your congregation. This seminar will explore the exciting work of the Mutual Ministry Committee and provide practical ideas for implementing Mutual Ministry in your congregation.
There are two opportunities to attend:
Saturday, October 13, 2012 9: 30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Allegheny Lutheran Church, 1327 Alleghenyville Road, Mohnton, PA 19540
Registration for this seminar is available at
Sunday, October 14, 2012, 2:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church, 2222 Niantic Road, Barto, PA 19504
Registration for this seminar is available at
The cost of the event is $25 per person. Participants who register prior to the deadline of October 1, 2012 will receive a copy of Pastor and People. A free will offering will be taken at each church for the meal.
The seminar facilitators ask that congregations bring 3-4 leaders as you will be engaging in small group work during the seminar. These should include the pastor and members of a mutual ministry committee and can also include council members and officers so that they might renew their understanding of mutual ministry and what it means to be the church, together.
If you have questions or would like a copy of a brochure, contact Sue Lang at or 215-453-8128.